AB Swetrail offer the market international transport and forwarding services.
New ideas for distribution, transports and information are guidelines within the company.
Our home market are the Baltic area, including Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
European Road Transports
Our trailer fleet for operations between the Baltic area and the European continent, concists 250 megatrailers.
We offers daily services for groupage, part loads and full loads.
Groupage Services
For a faster and more economical handling and transportation Swetrail offer an unique solution
via a central hub for groupage, located in the port of Rostock.
Trailers to/from all areas in Europe arrives every day.
All the trucks are reloaded with cargo matching it's geographical area.
Overseas Transports
Our oversea department handles consignments to/from all over the world.
Via our global angency network we offer all kinds of shipping terms at highest quality.
For clients asking for additional services like 3PL, repacking, hanging etc - we are your solution
Sea Tranports
We offer groupage, full loads, break bulks and ro/ro service worldwide.
Air Transports
We offer door to door, sea/air project and courier worldwide.
Cargo Planning System
A centralised cargo controlling system based on a IBM AS 400 computer, linked via own servers in each office,
are managing all consignments several times every day.
The system also communicates with customers, vendors and public authorities - in order to shorten the time for information and maintain highest standard of quality.